Please take a few minutes to participate in the Columbia Talent Magnet Project survey. The goal of this survey is to take the “pulse” of our community to identify Columbia’s perceived strengths, weaknesses, and the opportunities for positive change from the perspective of the people who live, work, learn, and play here. What’s right, what’s wrong, and what opportunities do we have as a region to grow and prosper? Your responses will form the foundation for dialogue at a Talent Magnet Summit in late 2008 where business, government, civic, and cultural leaders will come together to discuss your thoughts and ideas. Stand up, be heard, and share your thoughts!
The Columbia Talent Magnet Project is committed to developing a dynamic region where education, economic prosperity, community engagement, quality of life, and experiences attract and retain the best and the brightest talent in the region and the country. This vision will fuel our community’s growth in the new economy. The Columbia Talent Magnet Project is a collaborative effort of EngenuitySC, The Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce, New Carolina – SC’s Council on Competitiveness, the Columbia Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Columbia Opportunity Resource (COR).
We appreciate your participation in our study. Please click on the link below to begin the survey:
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